
weppy extensions extend the functionality of weppy in various different ways.

Extensions are listed on the Extension Registry and can be downloaded with easy_install or pip. When adding extensions to your application, it is a good habit to declare them as dependencies in your requirements.txt or setup.py file: this way, they can be installed with a simple command or when your application installs.

Using extensions

An extension typically has accompanying documentation that shows how to use it correctly. In general, weppy extensions should be named with the format weppy-foo and have a package-name like weppy_foo, replacing foo with the desired name. If the extension is written according to the suggested pattern, using it in your application will be quite easy:

from weppy import App
from weppy_foo import Foo

app = App(__name__)

# configure the extension
app.config.Foo.someparam = "something"
# add the extension to our app
# access extension attributes and methods

That's all.

As you can see, extensions have a namespace that accesses your app's configuration, and after you have added the extension to your application using the use_extension() method, you can access the extension instance at app.ext.<extension_name>.

Building extensions

section under development