
New in version 0.4

One of the big advantages of using a relational database is, indeed, the ability of establishing relations between data.
weppy provides some helpers to simplify the definition of those relations and to perform operations with related entities. Let's see a quick example in order to have an idea on how they work:

class Doctor(Model):
    name = Field()

class Patient(Model):
    name = Field()
    age = Field('int')

As you can see, we used the belongs_to and has_many helpers in order to define a one-to-many relation between doctors and patients, so that a doctor has many patients and a patient can have only one doctor.

These helpers will also add attributes and helpers on records in order to access related data more quickly. In the next paragraphs we will inspect all the available helpers and how to use them in order to perform operations between related data.


The belongs_to helper allows you to define relations that depends on other entities. If we recall the example we seen above:

class Patient(Model):

we can clearly understand what will happen on the database: the patients table will have a column containing the id of the referred row from the doctors table.

The referred doctor will be available on a patient object selected from your database just as an attribute:

patient = db.Patient(name="Pinkman")
doctor_name =

In weppy belongs_to has a real belonging meaning, and when we use it we're implicitly making an assertion: a patient cannot exists without a doctor. Actually this is correct also under a logical point of view: to name "patient" someone, he or she has to be in cure by some doctor, otherwise we won't call it a "patient".

This assertion has some consequences on the validation and on the deletion policies, in fact weppy will:

  • set the notnull option of doctor field of Patient and add a {'presence': True} validation policy on it, ensuring that this attribute is present and points to an existing record in doctors table
  • use a cascade rule on the relations, so when a doctor is deleted, also its patient follows the same destiny

When using the belongs_to helper, ensure the model you're referencing to is defined before the one where you using the helper.

Whenever you don't need a strictly dependency for this kind of relation, you can use the refers_to helper.


New in version 0.6

The refers_to helper, as of the belongs_to, allows you to define relations that depends on other entities, but not in a way where these relations are necessary. To explain this concept, let's see another example:

class Note(Model):
    body = Field('text')

class Todo(Model):
    title = Field()
    done = Field('bool')

In the same way happened with belongs_to, the todos table will have a column containing the id of the referred row from the notes table, but in this case, we allow this value to be empty.

In fact, refers_to in weppy has a reference without need meaning, meaning that reflects in the idea (in this specific case) that a todo can exists even if doesn't have a note attached to it.

Due to this concept, in this case weppy will:

  • add a {'presence': True, 'allow': 'empty'} validation policy on the note attribute of Todo, allowing the value to be empty, and when it's not, ensuring that the attribute points to an existing record in notes table
  • use a nullify rule on the relations, so when a note is deleted, all the todos which had a relation with it will still exist with removed relation

When using the refers_to helper, ensure the model you're referencing to is defined before the one where you using the helper.


The has_many helper is intended to be used as the reverse operator of a belongs_to or a refers_to in one-to-many relations. You have already seen it from the first example:

class Doctor(Model):

class Patient(Model):

where we used the has_many helper on the Doctor model in order to specify the many relations with Patient.

Differently from belongs_to and refers_to, the has_many helper won't produce anything on the database side, as it will map a set of the records referring to current record itself. Practically speaking, the has_many helper will use the opposite relation in order to know which records are referring to the object.

The has_many helper becomes handy for your application code rather than the data you store, in fact when you have a record representing a doctor, you can have the set of patients referred to it as an attribute:

>>> doctor_bishop = db.Doctor(name="Bishop")
>>> doctor_bishop.patients
<Set ( = 1)>

We will inspect all the operations you can do with the sets generated via has_many in the next paragraphs.


Changed in version 0.6

The has_one helper is intended to be used as the reverse operator of a belongs_to or a refers_to in one-to-one relations. Let's see how it works with an example:

class Citizen(Model):
    name = Field()

class Passport(Model):
    number = Field()

    validation = {
        'citizen': {'unique': True}

In this case we have a one-to-one relationship between citizens and passports: in fact, a passport belongs to a citizen and a citizen can only have a passport (or no passport at all).
Note that we also added the unique validation of citizen in Passport to avoid creation of multiple records referred to the same citizen.

As for the has_many helper, has_one won't produce anything on the database side, as it will map the single records referring to the current record itself, using the opposite relation.

The has_one helper is useful for your application code, since you can directly access the passport record referred to a citizen:

>>> ww = db.Citizen(name="Heisenberg")
>>> ww.passport
<Set (passports.citizen = 1)>
>>> ww.passport()
<Row {'number': 'AA1234', 'id': 1L, 'citizen': 1L}>

Many to many relations and "via" option

In order to create a many-to-many relationship, you have to use a join table. Some frameworks will hide to you this by generating those tables for you, but weppy won't do hidden operations on you database, and, as a consequence of a design decision, requires you to write down the model of the join table too, and to be conscious of what happening.

A quite common many-to-many relations is the one between users and groups, where an user can have many groups and a group have many users. In weppy we can write down these models:

class User(Model):
    name = Field()

class Group(Model):
    name = Field()

class Membership(Model):
    belongs_to('user', 'group')

This will reflect our tables: we have a users table, a groups table, and a memberships table which maps the belonging of a user into a group from the other two tables.

This is quite correct, but we missing the advantage here, since we don't have any direct access to users from a specific group or to the groups of a specific users, since we should pass through the memberships and then use these to gain the result-set we want.
This is why weppy has a via option with the has_many helper so that we can rewrite the upper example like this:

class User(Model):
    name = Field()
        {'groups': {'via': 'memberships'}}

class Group(Model):
    name = Field()
        {'users': {'via': 'memberships'}}

class Membership(Model):
    belongs_to('user', 'group')

Using the via option, we finally achieve the desired result, as we can access users from a group and groups from a user:

>>> user = db.User(name="Walter White")
>>> user.groups
<Set ((memberships.user = 1) AND ( =>
>>> user.groups()
<Rows (1)>
>>> group = db.Group(name="Los Pollos Hermanos")
>>> group.users
<Set (( = 1) AND (memberships.user =>
>>> group.users()
<Rows (1)>

Using via option for shortcuts

The via option can be useful also without join tables. To understand the scenario, consider this example:

class University(Model):
        {'attendants': {'via': 'courses'}}

class Course(Model):

class Attendant(Model):

As you can see, you can use via to share has_many relations to belongs_to or refers_to relations: in this case we're giving to the university the ability to fetch attendants from all their courses:

>>> university = db.University[1]
>>> university.attendants
<Set (( = 1) AND (attendants.course =>

Naming and advanced relations

Under the default behavior, belongs_to, refers_to, has_one and has_many use the passed argument both for the attribute naming and the model you're referencing to, so:

  • belongs_to('user') or refers_to('user') will add a user field to your model referenced to User model
  • has_one('passport') will add a virtual passport attribute to your rows referenced to Passport model
  • has_many('attendants') will add a virtual attendants attribute to your rows referenced to Attendant model

Sometimes, you may want to use a different name for the attribute responsible of the relation. Let's say, for example, that you want an owner attribute for the relation with the User model. You can reach this just writing:

belongs_to({'owner': 'User'})
has_one({'owner': 'User'})

The same thing becomes necessary when you're working with model names that are not regular plurals in english. In fact, as we seen for the table naming, weppy doesn't have a real pluralization engine, so for example, if you have a Mouse model, and a many relation with it, you need to manually specify the attribute and the model names:

has_many({'mice': 'Mouse'})

Specify fields and models in relations

New in version 0.6

When you have relations that should be mapped to custom named fields, you should specify them in both sides of the relations. This happens often when you have multiple relations to the same model, as in this example:

class User(Model):
    name = Field()
        {'owned_todos': 'Todo.owner'},
        {'assigned_todos': 'Todo.assigned_user'}

class Todo(Model):
    description = Field()
    belongs_to({'owner': 'User'})
    refers_to({'assigned_user': 'User'})

As you can see, we have that a Todo always has an owner, which is a User, and it also might have an assigned user, which is a User too.

We specified the model in the belongs_to and the refers_to helpers, and the model and the field with the format Model.field in the has_many helpers. With this notations we can access the relation sets as usual.

Self references

New in version 0.6

Specifying relation models becomes handy also in situations where you have relations with the same model, for example:

class Person(Model):
    name = Field()
    refers_to({'father': 'self'})
    has_many({'children': 'self.father'})

As you can see, we defined a model Person which can have a relation with another record of the same table: father is a Person too. In order to achieve this result, we simply used the keyword self. You can also use the model name for the relation, changing 'self' with 'Person', and weppy will understand that too, but we think this way is more self-explanatory.

Scoped relations

New in version 0.7

Sometimes you may need to specify scopes on has_one and has_many relations. A common example is when you use soft-deleting in your application:

class User(Model):
    name = Field()
    has_many({'todos': {'scope': 'not_deleted'}})

class Todo(Model):
    description = Field()
    is_deleted = Field('bool')

    def _not_deleted(self):
        return self.is_deleted == False

As you can see, we have that the Todo model has an is_deleted field and a scope not_deleted that filters out the records we have set as deleted. Using the scope option in the has_many relation of the User model, weppy will returns only those records when selecting rows from a specific user, and, also, will set the fields with the correct values from the scope query when we add or create new records related to a specific user.

Whenever you have to specify the reference field using the scope option, weppy requires you to combine it with the target one:

class User(Model):
    has_many({'todos': {'target': 'Todo.owner', 'scope': 'not_deleted'}})

class Todo(Model):
    belongs_to({'owner': 'User'})

Note: when using scope on via relations, remember you're applying the scope condition on the final model involved in the relation.

Where condition on relations

New in version 0.7

Similarly to the scope option, you can use the where option to specify queries that should be applied by weppy when building the relation: this is handy when you need the condition just one and you don't need to write a scope for that.

For example, we can change the upper example and rewrite it as:

class User(Model):
    name = Field()
    has_many({'todos': {'where': lambda m: m.is_deleted == False}})

class Todo(Model):
    description = Field()
    is_deleted = Field('bool')

As you can see the where value must be a lambda function accepting just one parameter: the model you're referring to. The condition can be any valid expression in the weppy query language.

Hint: you can also specify where conditions on existing scope relations, to combine the queries.

Operations with relations

Changed in version 0.6

As we've seen from the above paragraphs, belongs_to and refers_to will create an attribute that let you access the referred record when you perform a select. In fact, given the same model of the example:

class Patient(Model):

we can access the doctor of a certain patient directly from this last one:

>>> patient = Patient.first()

but you can see that accessing will return you the id of the referred record, not the record itself. This is because weppy won't load the relations immediately, and the attribute doctor of the selected patient is, indeed, not a Row object:

>>> type(
<class 'pydal.helpers.classes.Reference'>

the Reference object is in fact responsible of selecting the referred record only when you need to access its attributes.

Note: remember that when you access an attribute of a Reference object, a SELECT to the database is performed, once per referred record.

On the other hand, the has_many and has_one helpers will attach Set objects to the selected row, so given the same model of the example:

class Doctor(Model):

accessing the patients attribute of a selected doctor, will give you the same kind of object we inspected in the operations chapter:

>>> doctor = Doctor.first()
>>> doctor.patients
<Set ( = 1)>

As a consequence, on these objects you have the same methods we already discussed for Set:

method description
where return a subset given additional queries
select get the records
count count the records
update update all the records
validate_and_update perform a validation and update the records
delete delete all the records

and scopes will work on these sets as well, so if you defined, for example, a scope named males in your Patient model, you can use it with the same syntax:


The has_one and has_many generated sets will also have a shortcut for select and some additional methods that can help you when performing operations on relations. Let's see them.

has_one sets methods

Since accessing the relations is generally the most performed operation, you also have a shortcut for the select method if you just call the attribute of an has_one set:

>>> ww = Citizen.get(name="Heisenberg")
>>> ww.passport()
<Row {'number': 'AA1234', 'id': 1L, 'citizen': 1L}>

as you can see, calling the passport attribute directly will perform a select().first() call on the set. The shortcut will consequentially call the first method of the Rows object since an has_one relationship expects to have only one record related to the original row.

Note: calling the shortcut or the select method without parameters will perform caching of the other row object on the set. If you need to avoid this for consequent calls, use the reload parameter set to True.

The has_one sets also have a create method:

citizen = Citizen.first()

that will perform a validation and an insert operation with the reference bound to the current record. The operation is the same of writing:

citizen = Citizen.first()
Passport.create(number="AA123", citizen=citizen)

has_many sets methods

Similarly to the has_one sets, the has_many ones have a shortcut for the select method if you just call the attribute:

>>> doctor.patients()
<Rows (1)>

This shortcut will return the rows referenced to the record, and accepts the same parameters accepted by the select method.

Note: calling the shortcut or the select method without parameters will perform caching of the referred rows on the set. If you need to avoid this for consequent calls, use the reload parameter set to True.

The has_many sets also have three more methods that can help you performing operations with relations, in particular the create, add and remove methods. These methods have a slightly different behavior when the has_many helper is configured with the via options. Let' see them in details.

The create method of the has_many sets behaves quite like the ones built with the has_one helper:

>>> doctor = Doctor.first()
>>> doctor.patients.create(name="Walter White", age=50)
<Row {'errors': {}, 'id': 6}>

It will perform a validation and then insert a new record referred to the doctor row.

Note that this method is available only if your has_many relation is not a via one; in fact, for sets produced with has_many relations and via option the create method will raise a RuntimeError.
This is a consequence of the fact that weppy doesn't know if you have additional columns in your join table. In fact, if you consider this example:

class User(Model):
    name = Field()
        {'organizations': {'via': 'memberships'}})

class Organization(Model):
    name = Field()
        {'users': {'via': 'memberships'}})

class Membership(Model):
    belongs_to('user', 'organization')
    role = Field()

the Membership model responsible of the via relations has a role field that should be set when you want to create a user for an organization or an organization for an user. In order to do that, you should create both of the records independently and then associate the records, as we will see in the next paragraph.

Add records to many relations

Every time you have existing records, you can use the add method of the has_many sets to establish new relations.

If we consider back the doctor-patients example, where we have an has_many relation without the via option, the add method will change the doctor of a certain patient:

>>> patient = Patient.first()
"Walter Bishop"
>>> doctor = Doctor.get(name="Jekyll")
>>> doctor.patients.add(patient)
<Row {'updated': 1, 'errors': {}}>

that will produce the same result of writing:

db( ==

On has_many relations that have the via option configured, things are slightly different. In fact, if we consider the user-membership-organization example, the add method will create a new record on the join table:

>>> org = Organization.first()
>>> user = User.first()
>>> org.users.add(user, role="admin")
<Row {'errors': {}, 'id': 1}>

and as you can see, the add method accepts the other record as the first parameter, and any additional named parameter for additional fields of the join table, and will perform a validation and an insert on this table.

Removing records from many relations

The remove method of the has_many sets is intended to be the opposite of the add one.

In cases of an has_many relation without the via option, the remove method has a different behavior depending on the opposite relation. In fact, if the opposite relation is a belongs_to relation, the remove method will delete the other record:

>>> doctor = Doctor.get(name="Jekyll")
>>> patient = Patient.get(name="John")
>>> doctor.patients.remove(patient)

and the returning value is the number of deleted records.

On the contrary, if your opposite relation is a refers_to relation, the remove record will nullify the reference, keeping the other record in the database (the reference of the other record will be None in weppy and NULL in the database).

When you have has_many relations defined with via options, the remove method will instead remove the record responsible of the relation in the join table. For instance, writing this:

org = Organization.first()
user = User.first()

will delete the join record in the memberships table and keep the organization and the users intact and independents.

Joins and N+1 queries

New in version 0.6

Quite often in your application you will need to select multiple records and then access to their relations. Let's say for example, that you have a blog application with users and posts:

class User(Model):
    name = Field()

class Post(Model):
    title = Field()

and you want to print out all the post titles for all the users. You might be tempted to write something like this:

users = User.all().select()
for user in users:
    print("%s posts:" %
    for post in user.posts():
        print("  %s" %

but this will make weppy to perform a select operation to your database every time you call user.posts(), causing the problem called "N+1 queries".

The join method

To avoid the problem we just exposed, weppy provides a join method over the sets. In fact, if you rewrite the example above like this:

users = User.all().join('posts').select()
for user in users:
    print("%s posts:" %
    for post in user.posts:
        print("  %s" %

weppy will perform a JOIN operation on the database and the posts will be directly available on the users without any additional selects.

As you probably understood, the join method accepts one or more relations to join in the select operation, and you can just write down these relations with their names as strings.

Notice also that we changed the line of the second loop to access user.posts instead of user.posts(). This is due to the fact that whereas in the first case user.posts was a Set object, when we use a join method the relations joined will be objects of type Rows. This is a design decision of weppy, aimed to remember yourself that you're working with different objects and different flows: watch out this difference when writing your application code.

The join method will load any kind of relation, independently if they are belongs_to, refers_to, has_one and has_many (also the ones with via options), so you can select, for example, the post matching a certain name and load also their authors:


or load the organizations of the users from the example in the previous sections that are a many-via relations:


Note: when you join belongs_to or refers_to relations, the type of the related object inside the selected rows is just the same of the normal select operation.

Note that, the join method will returns only those rows matching the joins, so, going back to the posts example, when you do:


weppy won't return users that don't have posts. When you need this behavior, you should use the including option of the select method instead.

Select with including option

The including option of the select method will reflect in a LEFT OUTER JOIN operation on your database, and is useful when you want to select entities and their relations even if these are empty. Writing:


will return all the users in your database with their posts, if any, with the same types of the join method. The including option accepts a string parameter or a list of strings, which have to be, like on the join method, the names of the relations you want to load.

Note: when you includes belongs_to or refers_to relations, the type of the related object inside the selected rows is just the same of the normal select operation.

Manual joins

If you need that, you can use also a lower level method to perform joins with weppy:

db(Post.user ==, db.Post.ALL)

This code will return the join rows of users and their posts, as we saw with the join method. The main difference from the above is that the rows returned with this method won't have related posts as nested rows of users, but instead every row contained in the returned Rows object will have a users attribute and a posts attribute containing the two selected rows from their tables. As a direct consequence, if you have users with more than one post, they will be repeated in rows for every post matching the query.

If this structure better suits your needs for your application development, you might use this method to perform joins instead of the join method.