Sentry weppy extension

weppy-Sentry provides the integration for the Sentry error reporting platform in weppy.


You can install weppy-Sentry using pip:

pip install weppy-Sentry

And add it to your weppy application:

from weppy_sentry import Sentry



weppy-Sentry has 2 configuration options:

parameter default value description
dsn '' the Sentry DSN for your application
auto_load True automatically send exceptions to Sentry

The dsn parameter is required or the extension won't do anything, and you should declare it before loading the exension:

app.config.Sentry.dsn = 'mysecretdsn'

You can obviously configure the extension using a YAML file:

dsn: mysecretdsn

and load it before using the extension:

app.config_from_yaml('sentry.yml', 'Sentry')

When the auto_load parameter is set to True, the extension will add a pipe into your application pipeline, that will log any uncaught exception in your application code and your templates.

If you want to manually set the pipe into your application pipeline, you should set the auto_load parameter to False, init the extension and then add the pipe to your application's ones. Mind that, using this configuration, Sentry won't be able to track errors in your templates:

app.config.Sentry.auto_load = False

app.pipeline = [app.ext.Sentry.pipe]

Finally, if you just don't want the error tracking on exceptions, just set the parameter to False and don't add the pipe to your application.

Manual usage

The extension has two methods you can invoke manually, the exception and the message ones.

You can use the first one when you want to track catched exceptions:

def some_route():
        # some code
        # some code

while the second can be used to store messages into your Sentry project:

app.ext.Sentry.message('hello from my awesome app!')

coded by Giovanni Barillari

version: 0.4.1
license: BSD
