Assets weppy extension

weppy-Assets provides assets pipeline management for weppy.


You can install weppy-Assets using pip:

pip install weppy-Assets

And add it to your weppy application:

from weppy_assets import Assets


weppy-Assets is designed in order to work out of the box. This means that it will install quite a lot of dependencies in order to allow you use:

  • coffescript files
  • sass and scss files

without compiling them outside of weppy.

There's only one caveat you should take care of regarding coffeescript files, since there's no a pure python implementation to parse them. You will need one of the following external dependencies in order to get them compiled:

  • v8 javascript engine which is packed inside node.js. Just install node on your machine and you will be good.
  • coffee binary file installed with the coffeescript ruby gem


weppy-Assets has these configuration options:

parameter default value description
out_folder 'out' the name of the folder inside the application's static one to store output files

You can set them in the common way for weppy extensions:

app.config.Assets.out_folder = 'foobar'

When you set configuration values for the extension, ensure to do that before adding the extension to your application.

Assets management

The extension expect you to have an assets folder inside the root of your application. Given that, all the files you specify in defining assets will be considered inside that folder.

You can add assets to your application quite easily:

js = app.ext.Assets.js(

css = app.ext.Assets.css(

app.ext.Assets.register('base_js', js)
app.ext.Assets.register('base_css', css)

As you can see, you should threat separately javascript assets and css assets, but the syntax is always the same. You can create a bundle of assets calling the Assets.js or Assets.css methods, with the list of files to include and the output name of the resulting file.
Both the object resulting from the methods have a minify method, which will minify all the contents of the resulting output file.

As in the given example, you can pack together files with different extensions, like both .js and .coffee for the javascript and .css, .sass, .scss for the styles. The extension will take care of them, applying the appropriate filters on the files which need them.

Once you have defined your bundles, you can register them to your application using the Assets.register method, where the first parameter is the identifier of your bundle, and the second paramtere is the bundle you've just declared.

When you want to add your bundles to the templates, just use the assets lexer followed by the identifier:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="{{=current.request.language or 'en'}}">
        <meta charset="utf-8" />

        {{assets 'base_js'}}
        {{assets 'base_css'}}

and the extension will take care of the rest.

Suggested .gitignore

If you're using git version control system for your application, you'd better add the gen folder (or the one you've set) to your .gitignore file:


and if you're using a package pattern:
